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Traceability is a critical component in any kind of food industries, which ensures food safety, quality, and accountability. It helps to track and trace the movement of food products and their ingredients from their origin and various stages until they reach the consumer. With the shelf life of food being an important concern in the food industry, traceability is a continuous challenge. The awareness among common entities about digging into the making process and its resources enhances the necessity of proving this challenge. The road extends further deep into the customer circle as a risk migration task.
Traceability ensures
- Food safety
- Quality
- Transparency
- Sustainability

The mapping is drawn from production through distribution and ends with the customer's satisfaction. The key data elements for food traceability include
- Product Information
- Supplier Information
- Recipient Information
- Date and Time
Benefits of product traceability
- Cascades and organizes data in an alpha-omega pattern.
- Understanding a product's life cycle and identifying the associated risk factors.
- Monitor, manage, and respond to any potential problems with accuracy.
The formula to achieve product traceability is:
- Cascading data
- Supply chain tier
- Streamlining process
- Analytics and rectification
Traceability helps in addressing the gaps and inconsistencies in the journey of a food product. Transparency and open communication in the supply chain build strong relationships, trust, and cooperation among the whole team.